(269) 471-3423

"My experience with the 数学 program here at Andrews was immensely positive. I never felt belittled or neglected by anyone in the department. The faculty helped feed my desire for knowledge and opened my mind to new mathematics and new ways of thinking. For example, learning proofs indirectly helped to develop my rhetorical critical-thinking skills. The math classes I took here at Andrews opened my eyes to a new world of things I can do or accomplish by simply using my head, and I truly feel like the sky is the limit. So as I move on to the next stages in my life, I am excited because I feel prepared, not because I feel I have accumulated sufficient knowledge for success, but because I am prepared to learn new things and solve new problems no one has faced before."



bet365中文大学 has been recognized as the #1 private college in Michigan by Niche and is the only Adventist University recognized as a national university by US News and World Report.

Our department is distinguished by offering a wide variety of courses and meaningful 研究 opprotunities within a close-knit, 多样化的, faith-affirming社区.

Our math graduates are hired by top companies, accepted into fully-funded PhD programs, and excel in a variety of competative careers.



薪酬中位数: $112,100.

Mathematicians and Statisticians analyze data and apply computational techniques to solve problems. 了解更多.

Prepare by selecting one of the below concentrations.


薪酬中位数: $103,500.

Data scientists use analytical tools and techniques to extract meaningful insights from data. 了解更多.

Prepare by combining the statistics concentration with a minor in computer science.


薪酬中位数: $113,990.

Actuaries use mathematics, statistics, and financial theory to analyze the economic costs of risk. 了解更多.

Prepare by combining a mathematics or statistics concentration with a minor in finance/business.


薪酬中位数: $85,720.

Operations 研究 analysts use mathematics and logic to help solve complex issues. 了解更多.

Prepare by selecting the applied mathematics concentration.

数学B.S. |选择专注力


39个学分 公告

The theoretical mathematics concentration of the mathematics B.S. 学位 gives students a rigorous exposure to the major branches of mathematics, 强调proof-writing.


39个学分 | 公告

The applied mathematics concentration of the mathematics B.S. 学位 trains students with the mathematical tools most relevant for solving problems in the natural and social sciences. 


39个学分 公告

The statistics concentration of the mathematics B.S. 学位 prepares students to analyze and interpret data utilizing statistical techniques that build upon a solid mathematical foundation. 



30学分 | 公告

A second major for those pursuing another 学位 who cannot fit the full math B.S. 学位.


20学分 | 公告

Communicate to future employers your analtical and problem-solving abilities.


23个学分 | 公告

Prepares students for teaching elementary school mathematics.



Noe ('23) is a doctoral student in the applied mathematics PhD program at Brown University. 本科 研究 and advanced courses prepared him for grad school. 


Daniel ('22) is a software engineer at Google working on Google Cloud. He earned 学位s in both math and computer science, helping him stand out in the interviews.


MinSeo ('23) is a med student at Loma Linda University. The math 学位 can be easily combined with premed classes and math majors are top scorers on the MCAT.


Dillon ('23) is an acturial analyst for an insurance company. He earned the math 学位 with a business minor, then served as a student missionary in Kenya before graduating.



Our faculty have been recognized at Andrews for their teaching excellence and have taught millions around the globe through our YouTube频道. They are active in 研究 in several mathematical disciplines, regularly presenting at regional and national conferences. All of our faculty are involved in mentoring students, often co-authoring papers with them. More than that, our faculty are invested in every students' personal and spiritual development.

Lynelle Weldon博士

Associate 数学教授

主要研究方向: Cohomology of graded associative and Lie algebras; mathematics education


Associate 数学教授

主要研究方向: Knot theory, low-dimensional topology



主要研究方向: Nonlinear elliptic and parabolic partial differential equations

Yun Myung Oh博士


主要研究方向: Riemannian geometry, submanifold theory


通过教学, 研究, 和服务, the bet365中文大学 数学系 seeks to provide leadership by:

  • Preparing a 多样化的 student body with the mathematical understanding, 解决问题的能力, and dispositions that enable career excellence;
  • Increasing mathematical and scientific knowledge through publication and presentation and engaging undergraduates in 研究;
  • Supporting the broader mathematics education community and mentoring others for generous service through a committed Christian life.